UX research project for the private banking services industry

Conducting generative UX research into current experiences of high-net-worth individuals in receiving private banking services and products.

This project was done for a large Asian bank to help them in redesigning and expanding their service offer and growing their market share.


Work under a contract with HUMEX product and service design cinsultancy. 2022.

My Role:

  • UX Research Team Lead
  • Lead UX Researcher

UX Research instruments:

  • Semi-structured interviews
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Persona Modeling

Volume of UX Research work:


junior researchers were onboarded to the research practice and mentored throughout the project.


semi-structured interviews were conducted by me and 6 more by junior researchers - they mastered the craft of in-depth interviews right away.


interviews with various stakeholders inside the private banking department of the client bank.


key service scenarios in private banking were discovered through UX research and described in the final presentation.


months is how quick we have done all this work.

The role of UX research:

UX research was the key and major component of this project, providing for an extensive evaluation of current scenarios of service in private banking in the country of the client as well as collecting and prioritizing key user needs.

Outcomes of the project:

This project started just before the war in Ukraine. Due to uncertainty in the private banking market, our client had to pause its plans on redesigning its private banking service offer. This decision happened as we were finishing the project and preparing our final presentation. Nevertheless, our findings were welcomed by the client and our ideas were incorporated into their strategy to grow the upper-mass client segment.

Overall persona modeling graph that shows how each of the persona is evaluated on two scales. These scales were established during the UX research analysis.
Part of the final report that lists major service scenario breakpoints in private banking client's experience.
Example of two persona models, with key quotes, characteristics, needs, and current challenges.
Some of the collected user stories that describe major service scenario breaks.